
牽手融e邦,資本運作很簡單。2023年4月6日消息,來自江蘇無錫江蘇虎虎機電科技有限公司的控股公司HUHUTECH International Group Inc.(以下簡稱:虎虎科技)在美國證監會(SEC)公开披露招股書,擬在美國納斯達克上市,其股票代碼爲“HUHU”。 其於2022年10月21日在SEC祕密遞交招股書。




據悉HUHUTECH是一家在开曼群島注冊成立的控股公司。作爲一家控股公司,我們沒有自己的重大業務,我們通過在中華人民共和國或“中國”設立的子公司开展業務。我們的中國子公司HUHU China於2015年8月20日根據中國法律在中國江蘇省無錫市注冊成立。


在HPS中,我們提供兩種類型的解決方案:(1)高純度氣體輸送系統。高純氣體輸送機由一個專門的氣櫃、閥組箱(“VMB”)、氣體監測軟件和氣閥部件組成。該系統連接到我們客戶自己的工廠設備,這些設備將通過我們安裝的系統接收氣體。氣體輸送機確保高純度氣體在輸送過程中不會因暴露在空氣、液體或小顆粒中而受到污染。(2) 高純度化學品輸送系統。高純度化學品輸送系統輸送清潔、腐蝕和研磨過程中使用的多種化學品。該系統整合了多個子系統,包括高純度化學管道、閥門、化學傳感器和化學監測軟件。通過高純度化學品輸送系統,我們通過分配閥將化學品從儲存容器輸送到客戶的制造設備。高純氣體輸送系統和高純化學品輸送系統都能夠在高度受控的環境中輸送特殊的高純氣體和化學品,確保氣體和化學品滿足客戶生產過程的純度要求,並監控生產中的潛在安全問題。

Results of Operations(運營結果)

For the six months ended June 30, 2022 and 2021(截至2022年和2021 6月30日的六個月)

The following table summarizes the results of our operations for the six months ended June 30, 2022 and 2021, and provides information regarding the dollar and percentage increase or (decrease) during such periods(下表總結了截至2022年和2021 6月30日的六個月內我們的經營結果,並提供了有關這些期間美元和百分比增加或(減少)的信息)


Executive Officers and Directors

Set forth below is information concerning our directors, director nominees, executive officers and other key employees.

Yujun Xiao, Chief Executive Officer, Director(首席執行官、董事)

Yujun Xiao has been our Chief Executive officer since July 9, 2021. He founded HUHU China in 2015, prior to which he founded Shanghai Huhu Technology Ltd. in 2010 and served as its CEO from 2010 to 2015. From 2006 to 2010, he was the head of the engineer department of Shentong Computer Ltd. From 2001 to 2006, he served as a senior engineer at South Asia Technology Ltd. Mr. Xiao has extensive experience in corporate management and strategic decision making. He oversees the Company’s daily operations at a company -wide level and makes periodic business development plans based on the Company’s strategies. Mr. Xiao is also responsible for overseeing the Shenton Company strategy and business plan execution. Mr. Xiao holds a bachelor degree from Yancheng Institute of Technology, specializing in machinery manufacturing and automation. Yujun Xiao is the spouse of Yinglai Wang, Chairperson of the Company.

Huiping Zhang, Chief Financial Officer(首席財務官)

Huiping Zhang has been our Chief Financial officer since July 9, 2021. She served as the Chief Financial Officer in multiple companies from 2002 to 2020. Her most recent experience prior to joining us was the CFO at Zhongcheng Zhihui Technology Ltd., a position she served from 2017 to 2020. Ms. Zhang has many years of experience in financial work and team management experience. She is familiar with companies related to banking, tax, industry and commerce. She is also familiar with work procedures in obtaining tax benefits at high technology companies. Ms. Zhang has extensive knowledge of financial coordination and due diligence work in the early stage of listing in China, and has great expertise in accounting and financial analysis. Ms. Zhang holds a bachelor degree from Jiangsu Open University in Accounting. She also has an Intermediate Accountant Certificate in China.

Yinglai Wang, Chairperson of the Board(董事長

Yinglai Wang has served as the Chairperson of the board since July 09, 2021. She co-founded Shanghai Huhu Technology Ltd. in 2010. She was a management consultant at Engineer Machinery Management Consulting from 2006 to 2009. She worked at Kunshan Haohaizi Group in the administrative management department from 2001 to 2005. Ms. Wang has extensive experience in corporate management in the mechanical engineering industry and has a unique and advanced perspective in the strategic development of the Company. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Wuxi Taihu College, specializing in business management. Yinglai Wang is the spouse of Yujun Xiao, who is the CEO and a director of the Company


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