



In a recent development, Xiaomi has come forward and made a statement, even though the make of the phone isn't yet confirmed.


據稱,一名 8 歲的喀拉拉邦女孩在臉部被手機爆炸後死亡。

Adithyasree 是當地學校 3 年級的學生。


     雖然這款手機的綽號尚未得到證實,但小米印度已對有關事故涉及 Redmi 手機的猜測做出了反應。“在小米印度,客戶安全至關重要,我們非常重視此類問題。在這個困難時期,我們與家人站在一起,並希望以任何可能的方式支持他們。有報道稱這是一款紅米手機,目前尚待確定,目前正在調查中。我們將與當局合作,確定事件的實際原因,並將以任何必要的方式支持他們, ”該公司表示。

據警方稱,在另一起智能手機起火事件中,喀拉拉邦一名 8 歲女孩據稱在看視頻時使用的手機爆炸,導致她死亡。據報道,上周北方邦巴端的一名男孩在手機充電時因觸電而死亡。幾個月前,中央邦烏賈因區的一名男子因據稱手機電池爆炸而死亡,這是另一起與智能手機相關的傷亡事故。

While the moniker of the phone is unconfirmed, Xiaomi India has reacted to speculations that the accident involved a Redmi phone. “At Xiaomi India, customer safety is of utmost importance and we take such matters extremely seriously. We stand with the family in this time of difficulty and hope to support them in any way possible. There are some reports that this is a Redmi phone which is yet to be established, given the matter is currently being investigated. We will work with the authorities to determine the actual cause of the incident and will support them in any required manner,” said the company.

In yet another instance of a smartphone catching fire, an eight-year-old girl in Kerala died when the mobile phone she was using allegedly exploded while she was watching a video, as per the police. This incident comes after a boy in Baduan, Uttar Pradesh, reportedly died due to an electric shock while his phone was charging, last week. A couple of months ago, a man in Madhya Pradesh’s Ujjain district died after the battery of his mobile phone allegedly exploded in yet another smartphone-related-casualty.


進入細節,警方告訴新聞機構 PTI,周一晚上 10 點 30 分左右,喀拉拉邦 Thiruvilvamala 的居民 Adithyasree 在晚上使用手機時手機在她臉上爆炸。Adithyasree 是當地學校 3 年級的學生。警方已立案,目前正在進行調查。


Going into details, Adithyasree, a resident of Kerala’s Thiruvilvamala was using the phone at night at around 10:30 PM on Monday when the phone exploded in her face, the police told news agency PTI. Adithyasree was a student in class 3 at the local school. The police have registered a case and a probe is currently on.


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