
牽手融e邦,資本運作很簡單。2023年4月28日,來自上海的上海新駿羊絨服飾有限公司Majestic Ideal Holdings Ltd(以下簡稱“新駿羊絨服飾”)在美國證監會(SEC)提交更新的招股書,擬於美國納斯達克IPO上市,股票代碼MIHL。 其早於2021年12月21日在SEC祕密遞表。




我們是服裝行業供應鏈管理服務的提供商,爲我們的客戶提供一站式解決方案,涵蓋各種紗线產品、紡織品和成品服裝。我們通過總部位於中國上海的中國子公司New Brand开展業務。我們的服務涵蓋這些產品供應鏈的各個關鍵方面:市場趨勢分析、產品設計和开發、原材料採購、生產和質量控制以及物流管理。通過我們的集成能力,我們提供端到端的供應鏈解決方案,這些解決方案是爲滿足客戶的獨特需求而量身定制的。








見合並財務報表附注2“重要會計政策摘要”中對最近會計公告的討論。運營結果與截至2022年9月30日的財年相比,截至2021 9月30號的財年下表概述了我們在所示期間的合並經營成果,包括絕對金額和佔總收入的百分比。


Directors and Executive Officers

The following table sets forth information concerning our directors and executive officers, including their ages as of the date of this prospectus:

Ms. Yuk Yin Judy Li has served as our chairperson of the board of directors since December 2021. She is one of our two co-founders and Controlling Shareholders. Ms. Li has been serving in this capacity in our business since its establishment also concurrently serves as a director of Nifty. Ms. Li has over 28 years of experience in the apparel industry, from supply chain management to retail. She has been primarily responsible for our corporate strategic planning, business development and overall management and operations. Ms. Li graduated from Rosaryhill School in Hong Kong. We believe Ms. Li is well qualified to serve on our board of directors based on her extensive operating and management experience and knowledge of the apparel industry.

Mr. Sek Yan Ko has served as our general manager since November 2021. Mr. Ko is one of our two co-founders and Controlling Shareholders. Mr. Ko has been serving in this capacity in our business since its establishment also concurrently serves as a director of New Brand, Multi Ridge and Nifty. Mr. Ko has over 36 years of experience in sourcing, manufacturing and distribution of apparel. Mr. Ko has been primarily responsible for overseeing management of the operations and corporate strategic planning. Mr. Ko graduated from Salesian English School in 1979. We believe Mr. Ko is well qualified to serve on our board of directors based on his extensive experience in business development, manufacturing operations and supply chain.

Ms. Suqin Li has served as our director since November 2021 and chief executive officer since December 2021. Ms. Li has also been serving as the general manager of New Brand since January 2018. Ms. Li has over 15 years of experience in the garment industry. Ms. Li has been primarily responsible for expanding our business in China market. Ms. Li manages our yarn trading and sourcing business segment and oversees daily operations including quality control aspects. From November 2002 to December 2017, Ms. Li held the roles of assistant merchandiser and business manager at various garment trading companies. Ms. Li received a bachelor’s degree in silk engineering from Zhejiang Sci-Tech University (formerly known as Zhejiang Institute of Science and Technology) in 2002. We believe Ms. Li is well qualified to serve on our board of directors based on her expertise and skills in the sourcing and manufacturing and the distribution of apparel.

Ms. Xueyuan Chen has served as our chief financial officer since December 2021 and the chief financial officer of New Brand since August 2019. Ms. Chen has over 15 years of financial-related work experience. Ms. Chen is proficient in financial system establishment, capital control, financial investments, operations analysis, tax planning, cost control and corporate international control. Prior to August 2019, Ms. Chen worked as an accounting supervisor of C&M Industries Ltd, which engages in the textile and garment import and export business. Ms. Chen received a bachelor’s degree with intermediate level accounting credentials from the Harbin Institute of Technology in 2004. We believe Ms. Chen is well qualified to serve on our board of directors based on her knowledge of the PRC accounting system and tax policies as well as her relevant experience in the apparel industry.

Mr. To-Wai Suen has served as our independent non-executive director since December 2021. Mr. Suen has over 15 years of experience in accounting and finance. He is currently an independent director of China Zenix Auto International Limited, a company listed on the OTC Markets of the U.S. (stock code: ZXAIY), and MingZhu Logistics Holdings Limited, a company listed on NASDAQ (stock code: YGMZ), since April 2018 and October 2020, respectively. In addition, he is also currently an independent non-executive director of Ping An Securities Group (Holdings) Limited, a company listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (stock code: 231), and Huisen Household International Group, a company listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (stock code: 2127), since February 2020 and December 2020, respectively. He was


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